How to make Toilet Training easy?
Toilet training is very crucial and should be done before mainstream school. It can be easy for many kids and difficult for many others. But it is very important to get toilet trained for the child so they feel comfortable in school, outdoors, other places. We are sharing some
strategies and tips to make toilet training easy.

1. Communicate
Prepare the child to communicate their needs not just verbally encourage other means of communication also. In the case of toilet training, pulling pants down, dragging elders to the place, pointing to the toilet etc. Parents should use one specific word in their mother tongue or the language child can easily understand like potty, susu, pipi, toilet etc.
2. Tracking down the toilet timings
This observation depends upon the stability of the child’s toilet timings. Generally, observation takes 1 month. Prepare the tracking sheet hour wise for both susu and potty.
3. Habit training
For any habit to develop it will take at least a month or more with consistent training. Fix a time/choose best time using the tracking sheet. As time goes by, reduce the physical prompt to verbal prompt and then silently monitoring.
Make the child comfortable sitting inside the washroom. Initially some toys can be given to comfort the child.
4. Familiarity with the sequencing
Make the child understand the sequence of the process. You can prepare visual help cards to make it easy.
5. Praise, Rewards
Praise them when the entire process is over, reward by playing their favorite game, verbal rewards, hugs.
Here are few tips to make toilet training easy.
1. Start with the child getting familiar with toilet and things we use in toilet (flush, potty seat, handwash, etc).
2. Make the child comfortable on potty seat. Give favorite toy to make seating comfortable.
3. Keep a stool under feet, hold hands or handle of the seat if required.
4. Do not force, pressurize, or bribe the child.
5. Help in understanding wet and dry skin and cloths.
6. Giving toilet reminders every 1 hour or the time from child’s toilet tracking sheet.
7. Use child’s help in cleaning diapers and pants (let them see and try to clean).
8. Let them wear easy to remove pants, elastic pants.
9. Do not shame/ make them feel bad about toilet accidents.
10. Give rewards, encourage them, plan toilet pretend play games.
Learning a skill can be challenging sometimes for the kids but continuity in the process helps them to achieve it faster. The best you can do is provide your support and be patient with the process.
To know more reach out to us on, 9606404343.